
FFMPEG 最全版本介绍及下载(一) 原创

FFmpeg通常以源代码的形式发布,用户需要自行编译安装。在Linux环境下,这通常涉及获取源代码、配置、编译和安装四个步骤。在Windows或Mac OS上,可以选择 ...

Releases · shaka-projectstatic-ffmpeg-binaries

Static binaries of FFmpeg, for multiple OS & CPU combinations, built from source in a GitHub Actions workflow.

FFmpeg 3.1.2

Download files for this release. After you've downloaded a file, you can verify its authenticity using its MD5 sum or signature. (How do I ...


A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. Download Converting video and audio has never been so easy. Download FFmpeg · FFmpeg coverage · FFmpeg's Git · Ffmpeg-devel Info Page

Download FFmpeg

FFmpeg has always been a very experimental and developer-driven project. It is a key component in many multimedia projects and has new features added ... FFmpeg's Git · Documentation · Master · Donations

Old releases

It is the latest stable FFmpeg release from the 3.0 release branch, which was cut from master on 2016-02-14. It includes the following library versions:

ffmpeg libaom-av1 V3.1.2 multithreading?

I cannot tell whether the AV1 Encoder uses all Ryzen 5 3600X-CPU-cores (6 Core 12 Threads) correctly while converting a 1080p MP4.

ffmpeg Old Versions Downloads

Download free old versions of ffmpeg. Direct download links.


FFmpeg通常以源代码的形式发布,用户需要自行编译安装。在Linux环境下,这通常涉及获取源代码、配置、编译和安装四个步骤。在Windows或MacOS上,可以选择 ...,StaticbinariesofFFmpeg,formultipleOS&CPUcombinations,builtfromsourceinaGitHubActionsworkflow.,Downloadfilesforthisrelease.Afteryou'vedownloadedafile,youcanverifyitsauthenticityusingitsMD5sumorsignature.(HowdoI ...,Acomplete,cross-platformsoluti...